Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum
Institute faculty serve as leading experts in their field. They are ready to provide high-quality instruction, guidance, and support to all participants.
Additional faculty to be announced.
C. Edward Watson
Vice President for Digital Innovation, AAC&U; Director of Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum
Bryan Alexander
Senior Scholar, Learning Design, and Technology program; Georgetown UniversityBrent A. Anders
Lecturer and Researcher, American University of ArmeniaKristen Betts
Clinical Professor of Higher Education, Innovation & Learning, Drexel UniversityJosé Antonio Bowen
Senior Scholar, AAC&UThomas Cavanagh
Vice Provost for Digital Learning, University of Central FloridaDave Cormier
Learning Specialist, Digital Strategy, University of WindsorTazin Daniels
Associate Director at the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of MichiganCarrie Diaz Eaton
Associate Professor of Digital and Computational Studies and Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning Fellow, Bates CollegeLaura Dorsey-Elson
Director of the Center for Innovative Instruction & Scholarship, Morgan State UniversityLaura Dumin
Professor in English and Technical Writing, University of Central OklahomaLance Eaton
Senior Associate Director of AI in Teaching and Learning, Northeastern UniversityJulaine M. Fowlin
Assistant Professor and Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL), Medical University of South CarolinaMyk Garn
Academic Innovator and StrategistJoanne E. Goodell
Director of the School of Education and Counseling in the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, Cleveland State UniversityJason Gulya
Professor of English, Berkeley CollegeRegan A. R. Gurung
Professor and Director of the General Psychology Program, Oregon State UniversityChris Hakala
Director of the Center for Excellence Training; Professor of the Psychology Department; Springfield CollegeCharles B. Hodges
Professor of Instructional Technology, College of Education at Georgia Southern UniversityKyle Jensen
Professor of English and Director of Writing Programs at Arizona State UniversitySarah Z. Johnson
Academic Integrity Officer, Chair of First Year Composition, and Writing Center Director, Madison CollegeRohan Jowallah
Educator, Researcher, Curriculum Developer, and Instructional Designer; University of Central FloridaJeanne Beatrix Law
Professor of English, Kennesaw State UniversityLeo Lo
Dean of the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences, The University of New MexicoTawnya Means
Assistant Dean, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignBethany Miller
Associate Provost & Chief Data Officer, Macalester CollegeMichelle Miller
Professor of Psychological Sciences and President’s Distinguished Teaching Fellow, Northern Arizona UniversityAnna Mills
Modern Language Association and Conference on College Composition and Communication Task Force on Writing and AI, College of MarinMegan L. "Meg" Mittelstadt
Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, Affiliate Faculty Member of the Louise McBee Institute of Higher Education, University of GeorgiaRob Nelson
Executive Director for Academic Technology & Planning, Office of the Provost, University of PennsylvaniaRon Owston
Research Associate, Ontario’s Contact North | Contact NordSherry Rankins-Robertson
Chair and Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, University of Central FloridaCamilla Roberts
Director of the Honor and Integrity System, Kansas State UniversityPeter Shea
Assistant Dean for Digital Innovation & AI Integration, Middlesex Community College in MassachusettsMichelle Singh
Assistant Commissioner of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's Division of Digital LearningVincent Spezzo
Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning Online, Center for Teaching and Learning, Georgia TechSharon Stoerger
Assistant Dean for Programs and Assessment, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers UniversityJT Torres
Director of the Houston H. Harte Center for Teaching and Learning, Washington & Lee UniversityAnnette Vee
Associate Professor of English, Facilitator for AI across the Disciplines, University of PittsburghJim Wagstaff
Entrepreneur, Author, Researcher; Affiliate Faculty Member, Singapore Management UniversityMarc Watkins
Assistant Director of Academic Innovation, Lecturer of Writing and Rhetoric, University of MississippiKrista Wojdak
Professor of Instructional Design and Technology, Appalachian State UniversityJessica Young
Director of Online Learning and Instructional Innovation, Frederick Community College