About AAC&U
Thank you for supporting AAC&U’s work to advance the democratic purposes of higher education by promoting equity, innovation, and excellence in liberal education.
Your gift makes a difference! We gratefully receive donations from individuals, grants from corporations and foundations, and gifts from academic institutions. You may direct your gift to one of the funds below.
AAC&U Funds
This fund supports AAC&U’s advocacy for liberal education and inclusive excellence.
This fund supports presidential initiatives at AAC&U emerging from our strategic plan, Equity, Innovation, and Excellence.
This fund supports the work of the TRHT Campus Centers, designed to help higher education institutions identify evidence-based strategies that support the vision of what their communities will look, feel, and be like when the false belief in a hierarchy of human value no longer exists.
This fund supports the innovative and creative work of Project Kaleidoscope to transform undergraduate STEM teaching and learning.
This fund supports all aspects of Project Kaleidoscope’s STEM Leadership Institutes, designed for early- and mid-career STEM faculty, principal investigators, and administrators who are engaged in leading initiatives and interventions aimed at transforming undergraduate STEM education in their classrooms, departments, and institutions.
In honor of L. Lee Knefelkamp’s enduring legacy, this fund supports national and campus programming that fosters meaningful connections between student and campus success.
This fund supports the work of the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education (IDHE), which studies and provides resources to support student learning for, and institutional engagement in, democracy. This includes better ways to “talk politics,” turn conflict and elections into “teachable moments,” and engage students in a process of redesigning and defending a more aspirational democracy, one that works for everyone.
You may make an online gift by credit card, or you may mail us a check, made payable to AAC&U, to
American Association of Colleges and Universities
P. O. Box 745732
Atlanta, GA 30374-5732

Learn More
If you would like information about making a gift of stock, information about making a bequest to benefit AAC&U, or personal assistance with your giving, contact Keelan Bailey at [email protected] or (202) 888-4561. Some individuals may also be eligible for matching gifts from their employers, and we are happy to assist.