
Institute for Democracy & Higher Education

Educating for a democracy in question

Variously described as “backsliding,” “declining,” “at risk,” and “fragile,” US democracy is a democracy in question. The threats to democracy are acute and growing. Yet, this moment in history is an opportunity to advance student learning for, and institutional commitment to, a more aspirational, redesigned democracy that is inclusive, equitable, participatory, compassionate, and just.

The Institute for Democracy and Higher Education (IDHE) supports you and your institution in educating for a democracy that works for everyone.

About IDHE

IDHE is a nonpartisan applied research and resource center that studies and works to improve student learning for, and institutional commitment to, US democracy. IDHE’s work is aspirational; we’re committed to a democracy that works—and works for everyone. We view colleges and universities as essential to democracy’s health and future.

What's New from IDHE

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Bring IDHE to Your Campus

Whether virtually or in person, IDHE can visit your campus to lead a workshop on facilitating politically charged discussions, join a classroom or coalition discussion of ideas for change, or help assess your campus climate for political learning and participation. Contact us at [email protected] and let us know how we can help.

Support IDHE

Support great ideas! To grow AAC&U’s efforts to educate for more aspirational, inclusive, and robust democracy, please donate to the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education Fund.