Grounded in a TRHT-informed approach, the intent of each section of the toolkit is to convey a vision that centers truth-telling, deep listening, and authentic relationship-building as the foundation for intentional and sustainable institutional transformation efforts directed at improving campus climate.
It is becoming commonplace for colleges and universities to conduct campus climate assessments to get a sense of the experiences, sentiments, and needs of their campus communities, yet they are often challenged when it comes to translating the results of these assessments into informed, sustainable, and transformative change. The purpose of the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation™ (TRHT) Campus Climate Assessment Toolkit is to complement existing campus climate assessment tools and to support an in-depth and action-oriented process that occurs after an institution has completed a campus climate assessment to examine institutional policies, programs, and practices that perpetuate racial inequities.
In particular, the toolkit offers guidance for utilizing the five areas of the TRHT Framework (narrative change, racial healing and relationship building, separation, law, and economy) as a lens to identify, explore, and address the issues brought to light by campus climate assessment findings. The toolkit is intended to serve as a robust resource for an institution to reference before and/or during: (1) the stages of analyzing or interpreting the results or (2) identifying, developing, coordinating, or implementing actions and initiatives in response to the results. The toolkit features activities and strategies that support the examination of how institutional systems, policies, and practices may exacerbate historical and implicit narratives around racial hierarchies, impede relationship-building opportunities, and hinder racial healing among students, faculty, staff, and community members.
While compatible with all modern web browsers, the toolkit is best viewed using Chrome or Firefox.