Leadership Institutes for Women and Gender-Diverse Leaders
The Credo + AAC&U Leadership Institutes for Women and Gender-Diverse Leaders equip participants to lead more courageously, vulnerably, and effectively.
During this semester-long institute, campus teams engage with experts from higher education and industry to advance curriculum-based projects that promote equity and student success through meaningful career preparation.
Designed to help transform campuses into model environments for interfaith cooperation, the institute supports the development of context-specific plans for cultivating new generations of civic interfaith leaders.
This new, fully online institute is designed to help departments, programs, colleges, and universities respond effectively to the challenges and opportunities artificial intelligence (AI) presents for courses and curricula.
Through institutional self-assessment, campus visits, peer networking, and mentored support, participants in this institute develop the foundational knowledge and skills needed to pursue sustainable VE/COIL partnerships.
This institute provides a year long, online engagement opportunity for teams from campuses or state systems seeking to actualize an ambitious strategy to broaden campus engagement with and adoption of open educational resources.
Through experiential learning, reflection, and the simulation of diverse lived experiences, participants gain the skills and tools to embrace difference, initiate social change, and guide reform in STEM higher education.
To foster students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings, the institute supports institutional efforts to embed engaged and integrative learning across the undergraduate experience.
The institute helps campus teams identify evidence-based strategies that support their vision of what their communities will look, feel, and be like when the false belief in a hierarchy of human value no longer exists.
The institute offers a unique opportunity for STEM faculty & administrators to build capacity and self-efficacy in understanding the root causes of minority underrepresentation in STEM and their roles in addressing them.
Through reflection on institutional outcomes, development of comprehensive action plans, and individualized consultation, participants create attainable student success goals and monitor progress toward achieving equity.
Designed for those seeking to instantiate ePortfolios beyond a single course or major, this institute will help teams of faculty, staff, and administrators design and implement ePortfolios in large-scale adoptions.
Through virtual and in-person events, consultations, mentorship, and cross-team interactions, iGEPA provides an unparalleled opportunity for campus teams to engage in the creative and critical work of gen ed reform.
Through institutional self-assessment, campus visits, peer networking, and mentored support, participants in this institute develop the foundational knowledge and skills needed to pursue sustainable VE/COIL partnerships.