Open Educational Resources (OER) Research Database

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Primary CategoriesSub-GroupsThemes

Understanding motivational system in open learning: Learners’ engagement with a Traditional Chinese-based open educational resource system

Huang, W. D., & Wu, C.-G. (2017). Understanding motivational system in open learning: Learners’ engagement with a Traditional Chinese-based open educational resource system. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65(6), 1495–1521.

Themes: Empirical, Outcomes, OEP, OER, Open Courseware/Open University, Student Outcomes

Effectiveness of OER Use in First-Year Higher Education Students' Mathematical Course Performance: A Case Study

Westermann Juárez, W., & Venegas Muggli, J. I. (2017). Effectiveness of OER Use in First-Year Higher Education Students’ Mathematical Course Performance: A Case Study. In C. Hodgkinson-Williams & P. B. Arinto (Eds.), Adoption and impact of OER in the Global South (pp. 187–229). Zenodo.

Themes: Empirical, Assessment and Evaluation, Initiatives, OER, Student Outcomes

Impact of OpenCourseWare publication on higher education participation and student recruitment

Carson, S., Kanchanaraksa, S., Gooding, I., Mulder, F., & Schuwer, R. (2012). Impact of OpenCourseWare publication on higher education participation and student recruitment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(4), 19–32.

Themes: Empirical, Affective, Empirical, Outcomes, OER, Open Courseware/Open University, Student Outcomes, Student Perceptions

A preliminary examination of the cost savings and learning impacts of using open textbooks in middle and high school science classes

Wiley, D., Iii, J. L. H., Ellington, S., & Hall, T. (2012). A preliminary examination of the cost savings and learning impacts of using open textbooks in middle and high school science classes. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(3), 262–276.

Themes: Empirical, Outcomes, K-12, OER, Student Outcomes

A Group Investigation Learning System for Open Educational Resources to Enhance Student Teachers’ Digital Literacy and Awareness in Information Ethics

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330 Thailand, Jongsermtrakoon, S., Nasongkhla, J., & Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330 Thailand. (2015). A Group Investigation Learning System for Open Educational Resources to Enhance Student Teachers’ Digital Literacy and Awareness in Information Ethics. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 5(10), 783–788.

Themes: Empirical, Outcomes, OER, Student Outcomes

As Good or Better than Commercial Textbooks: Students’ Perceptions and Outcomes from Using Open Digital and Open Print Textbooks

Jhangiani, R. S., Dastur, F. N., Le Grand, R., & Penner, K. (2018). As Good or Better than Commercial Textbooks: Students’ Perceptions and Outcomes from Using Open Digital and Open Print Textbooks. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(1), 1–22.

Themes: Empirical, Affective, Empirical, Outcomes, OER, Quality, Student Outcomes, Student Perceptions

Increasing the Open Education Resources Capacity of Precalculus Courses at York College and Queensborough Community College

Thompson, V. L., & Wallach, P. (2023). Increasing the Open Education Resources Capacity of Precalculus Courses at York College and Queensborough Community College. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 11(3), 554–569.

Themes: Empirical, Affective, Empirical, Outcomes, OER, Student Outcomes, Student Perceptions