International Journal of ePortfolio
Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts must be submitted in English and in Microsoft Word format (.docx). The following Submission Guidelines pertain to all manuscript types; that is, Instructional Articles; Assessment Articles; and Technology, Policy, and Review Articles. Ultimately, authors should follow the guidelines set forth in the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), which is currently the 7th edition. Please review those standards prior to manuscript submission. Those new to APA are encouraged to review this free online tutorial.
Please Note: All submissions to IJeP must consist of a single electronic file that adheres to the guidelines set below. Any pictures or graphics should be embedded in the Microsoft Word (.docx) file. Those submitting manuscripts to IJeP can expect the review process to take approximately 90 days.
General Manuscript Structure
All manuscripts should conform to the following structure:
- Title Page
- Abstract and Keywords
- Body of Manuscript
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Appendices
- Tables and Figures
- Biographical Notes of Authors (accepted manuscripts only)
Specific Guidelines
Title Page
Include the manuscript title only. To allow for blind peer review, do not include the authors' names, affiliations, email addresses, phone numbers, or other identifying information. Author information will be obtained during the online submission process. Do not boldface or italicize anything on the title page.
Abstract & Keywords
Include a 100-200-word abstract describing and summarizing the manuscript. The
abstract should be self-explanatory and provide the reader with a summarization
of the contents of the manuscript.
At the bottom of the abstract, include 3-5 keywords, separated by commas, that may be used to index the manuscript.
Body of Manuscript
The body of the manuscript should conform to the following guidelines:
Length: Manuscript length will depend on the type of manuscript submitted: Instructional Articles (15-25 pages); Assessment Articles (15-25 pages); and Technology, Policy, and Management Articles (10-25 pages). These lengths include only the text of the manuscript and not the abstract, references, tables, figures, and appendices. Manuscripts of greater length will be considered as space and interest provide.
Manuscript Preparation: All manuscripts should conform to current APA preparation guidelines. Specifically, manuscripts should use:
- Double-spaced text
- 12-point standard for (e.g., Times, Times New Roman)
- 1-inch margins (i.e., top, bottom, left, right)
- Italics and boldface, as needed and outline in the APA style guidelines, but no underlining
- Page numbers in the upper right corner of the page header
- Section headings and subheadings, as appropriate
Manuscript Style: All manuscripts should follow APA style guidelines for manuscript organization, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, first-person language, italics, boldface, abbreviations, headings, quotations, numbers, statistics, tables, and figures. In addition, authors should follow the APA style guidelines for reducing bias in language.
Footnotes and Endnotes: Footnotes and endnotes should not be used. Relevant information, which might normally be placed in a footnote or endnote, should be included in the manuscript text.
Any acknowledgments of persons, institutions, or granting agencies should be brief.
All manuscripts should conform to APA guidelines for in-text citations and references. The following examples are provided for clarity; however, authors should consult the 7th edition APA publication manual for specific guidelines and requirements.
Two important notes about the references section:
- Use a hanging indentation to format the References section, not line breaks and indentations.
- Add Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to all applicable references. If needed, authors can search for DOIs here.
Articles: Moreno, R., & Valdez, A. (2007). Immediate and delayed effects of using a classroom case exemplar in teacher education: The role of presentation format. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99(1), 194-206.
Books: Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Harvard University Press.
Chapters: Watson, C. E., Zaldivar, M., & Summers, T. (2010). ePortfolios for learning, assessment, and professional development. In R. Donnelly, J. Harvey, & K. C. O’Rourke (Eds.), Critical design and effective tools for elearning in higher education: Theory into practice (pp. 157-175). IGI Global.
Web Pages: Anderson, J. R., Reder, L. M., & Simon, H. A. (1995). Applications and misapplications of cognitive psychology to mathematics education.
Tables & Figures
All manuscripts should follow current APA guidelines regarding the inclusion of tables and figures. Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2) and include descriptive titles.
Cite tables and figures in-text, as appropriate. Please include all tables and figures at the end of the manuscript rather than in line.
Author Biographies
Only include AFTER your manuscript has been accepted for publication.
All authors of accepted manuscripts must include short biographies, approximately 50-100 words, which include institutional affiliation, current job title, and relevant accomplishments, positions, publications, and teaching responsibilities. Upon manuscript acceptance, authors will be asked to submit brief biographies.