Roberts, V. (2019). Open educational practices (OEP): Design-based research on expanded high school learning environments, spaces, and experiences [Dissertation, University of Calgary].
In current K-12 learning contexts, there is much potential for research that examines the expansion of learning beyond formal learning environments and enquiry about how digital networks can support all learners in accessing people, content and ideas that were previously inaccessible. Using a design-based research (DBR) approach, this research examined how high school learners expanded their learning beyond formal learning environments as a result of the teacher implementing an open learning design intervention (OLDI) and designing for open educational practices (OEP). This study builds upon an analysis of existing research on developing open learning practices in K-12 learning environments, describes and evaluates OEP in an existing high school classroom and evaluates the impact of OEP in a high school learning environment to inform broader K-12 OEP design and high school open learning principles.
The research participants included 23 high school students and one teacher from the Building Futures high school program. The research occurred through three specific DBR phases with iterative cycles within each phase. Phase 1 included an examination of the current OEP landscape and two design prototypes called learning pathways. Phase 2 included the implementation of two prototype learning pathways. Finally, phase 3 examined and analyzed all data from the four prototype learning pathways which considered the perspectives of all open learning participants and the open learning process. All learning pathway prototypes were designed using the OLDI framework which was revised and updated throughout the research. The data collection included student, teacher and researcher reflections, classroom observations and the Visitor and Resident mapping tool.
The key findings from this research suggest that high school open learning is dependent upon the opportunity for learners to co-design personally relevant learning pathways. Secondly, learners need to collaboratively and individually share their learning experiences through feedback loops and by transparently demonstrating their learning in meaningful ways that integrate curriculum and competencies. Finally, open learning occurs through stages and continuums and is a personal learning experience that transcends formal learning environments. This research expands upon current literature and distinguishes itself by emphasizing the process and pedagogical potential of high school open learning.
Themes: Empirical, Affective, Empirical, Outcomes, Faculty Outcomes, Faculty/Admin Perceptions, K-12, OEP, Student Outcomes, Student Perceptions