2025 Institute on TRHT Campus Centers


The virtual institute is designed to support existing and potential TRHT Campus Center teams in developing and refining transformative action plans to advance the five components of the TRHT framework: narrative change, racial healing and relationship building, separation, law, and economy, and to provide the opportunity for robust visioning and evaluation plans essential to the transformative work of TRHT Campus Centers. The institute provides practical guidance, mentorship, and resources for campus teams to:

  • Participate in and design Rx Racial Healing® Circles
  • Develop a comprehensive action plan, or refresh a current plan, to implement at their institution and within their community
  • Prepare to facilitate racial healing activities on their campus and in their communities
  • Examine the contemporary realities of the impacts of difference and bias in their communities, as well as the local history that has led to these realities
  • Identify evidence-based strategies that support their vision of what their communities will look, feel, and be like when the belief in the hierarchy of human value no longer exists
  • Learn to pinpoint critical levers for change and to engage key stakeholders
This was an amazing learning experience. It was great being in this community of people looking to improve humanity. The program was well organized with a variety of activities, sessions and consultations which exemplified what this work looks like. I look to continue the partnership and collaboration journey toward racial healing and uplifting humanity.
/ 2024 TRHT Institute Participant