Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum
Institute Goals
To advance the development and enactment of ambitious AI action plans designed to address the challenges and opportunities presented by AI within courses and curriculum, teams will work to:
- articulate a clear, compelling, and communicable purpose for the AI, pedagogical, and curricular revision or initiative under development, including key goals, aspirations, expected student learning gains, student success metrics, and intended benefits for faculty, students, and the institution;
- create and implement a comprehensive AI action plan that results in teaching, learning, and curricular change with measurable benchmarks for charting success;
- stay abreast of innovations and changes to AI models, tools, policies, and approaches, including changes to expectations within the world of work;
- develop evidence-based theory-to-practice models that connect research and scholarship with effective approaches to developing courses, curricula, and pedagogies;
- explore and adopt new approaches to assignments, feedback, grading, and academic integrity;
- identify strategies and practices for the successful implementation of pedagogical and curricular/cocurricular change that reflects a deep understanding of AI coupled with attention to shifting student demographics, transfer challenges, and inclusive standards for student success;
- articulate fair-minded policies and practices that take into account ethical issues while also ensuring equitable outcomes;
- utilize evidence-based diffusion of innovation and leadership strategies to increase the probability of successfully implementing the AI reform initiative.