Parks, J., Gumb, L., Stachowiak, R., Barker, W., Harrison, T. K., Diaz, L., Lane, P., Poulin, R., & Spilovoy, T. (2020). Gap Analysis and Environmental Scan: Sharing Observations, Priorities, Opportunities in the National OER Landscape (pp. 1–16). Midwestern Higher Education Compact, New England Board of Higher Education, Southern Regional Education Board, & Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.
The four regional education compacts—the Midwestern Higher Education Compact, the New England Board of Higher Education, the Southern Regional Education Board, and the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education—are working together to help scale the adoption and use of open education resources nationally to allow millions students access to free, high-quality learning resources.
This publication provides a summary of the work of two focus groups compromised of experts in the field of OER. The report shares the group’s observations on the OER landscape, identified opportunities and priorities, and recommendations and next steps.
Themes: Empirical, Affective, Initiatives, OER, Policy, Student Outcomes