Robert Farrow. (2019). Bringing Learning to Life: Evaluation of Everyday Skills in maths and English. Open Education Research Hub, The Open University (UK).
This report describes and analyses survey data responses, web analytics and other data relating to the Bringing Learning to Life project. Bringing Learning to Life was funded by the Department for Education’s Flexible Learning Fund to offer functional skills courses in English and Mathematics through the OpenLearn online learning platform. OpenLearn is The Open University (UK) repository for openly licensed learning materials that supports flexible delivery of structured content. The Bedford College Group, Middlesbrough College and West Herts College worked with The Open University to develop the online courses and offer validation of learning through qualifications.
Data gathered about the learners on Essential Skills reveal that they have diverse experiences and expectations. More than a third indicated a desire to go on to formal higher education, but these learners often have no qualifications (or are unsure how to navigate a pathway towards their goal). Supporting these learners in finding their pathway to skills and education – especially when they have taken a step towards formal learning – is crucial. Bringing Learning to Life has shown that there is much potential to further engage adult learners thorough flexible, open delivery. Working in conjunction with college partners has been extremely effective for establishing a shared approach and body of knowledge. The report includes a discussion and interpretation of results as a whole along with recommendations for further activity in this area.
Themes: Empirical, Affective, Empirical, Outcomes, Faculty/Admin Perceptions, OER, Open Courseware/Open University, Student Outcomes, Student Perceptions