International Journal of ePortfolio
Volume 7 • Number 2 • 2017
- Welcoming IJeP and PEARL to AAC&U
Lynn Pasquerella, AAC&U
Instructional Articles
- Students as Co-Designers: Peer and Instructional Resources for Novice Users of ePortfolio
Leslie Gordon, University of Georgia - ePortfolios and Interdisciplinary Adult Degree Programs
Layne Ray Bryant, Middle Tennessee State University
Dianna Zeh Rust, Middle Tennessee State University
Julie Fox-Horton,East Tennessee State University
Amy Denise Johnson, East Tennessee State University - Unifying Experiences: Learner and Instructor Approaches and Reactions to ePortfolio Usage in Higher Education
Kyle Scholz, University of Waterloo
Crystal Tse, University of Waterloo
Katherine Lithgow, University of Waterloo - Changing Their Mindsets: ePortfolios Encourage Application of Concepts to the Self
Karen Singer-Freeman, Purchase College, SUNY
Linda Bastone, Purchase College, SUNY - LEADing the Way with Eportfolios in a First-Generation Learning Community
Theresa Conefrey, Santa Clara University - An Embedded ePortfolio in a Masters Degree: Is It Working?
Jennifer Munday, Charles Sturt University
Assessment Article
- ePortfolio Assessment as Faculty Development: Gathering Reliable Data and Increasing Faculty Confidence
Margaret Marshall, Auburn University
Lesley Bartlett, Iowa State University
Ashlee Duffy, Auburn University
Stephen Powell, Auburn University
Employer Articles
- Employers' Perceptions of the Benefits of Employment Electronic Portfolios
Ronda L. Leahy, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Ariana Filiatrault, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse - The Value of Career ePortfolios on Job Applicant Performance: Using Data to Determine Effectiveness
Gail Ring, Pebble Pad
Chelsea Waugaman, Clemson University
Bob Brackett, Clemson University