Publications on ePortfolio: Archives of the Research Landscape (PEARL)

What, Exactly, Are We Amplifying? A Decade of AAC&U’s ePortfolio Forum


Clark, J. E. (2019). What, Exactly, Are We Amplifying? A Decade of AAC&U’s ePortfolio Forum. International Journal of EPortfolio, 9(1), 59–63.


What does ten years of ePortfolio research and practice look like? The AAC&U ePortfolio Forum celebrated a decade in 2019. This article offers a brief overview of the past ten years of forums in the context of the 2019 forum. Five key themes were highlighted in 2019: 1) the history of ePortfolios in higher education, 2) the ethics of ePortfolios on campus, 3) student voices and self-authorship, 4) highlights from the current research agenda, and 5) the questions that persist, often as a moving target, in using ePortfolios on campus. Together, they revealed a field that is grounded and mature providing an opportunity to see evolution over time.

Category: Descriptive