Publications on ePortfolio: Archives of the Research Landscape (PEARL)

Review: ePortfolio as Curriculum: Models and Practices for Developing Students' ePortfolio Literacy (Stylus, 2019)


Horan, E. (2020). Review: ePortfolio as Curriculum: Models and Practices for Developing Students’ ePortfolio Literacy (Stylus, 2019). International Journal of EPortfolio, 10(1), 45–49.


Since the start of ePortfolio use in higher education, research has come a long way to not only include testimonials and anecdotal reports about their importance and efficacy, but also to include research such as case studies and studies on the effect of ePortfolio for student attainment of learning outcomes. ePortfolio as Curriculum: Models for Developing Students’ ePortfolio Literacy, edited by Kathleen Blake Yancey (2019), is a compilation of case studies that provide anecdotal and research evidence to support the use of ePortfolios as a curriculum. This publication showcases the advantages of implementing ePortfolio throughout students’ higher education careers to encourage metacognitive thinking; reflection; and past, current, and future identity development. In addition to the research supporting ePortfolio as curriculum, the authors throughout this book provide several examples and concrete advice for those interested in developing their own ePortfolio program. This review discusses three major themes that the authors focus on: guiding the reflection process, determining the audience for the ePortfolio, and considerations for managing an ePortfolio program. Publisher: Stylus (Sterling, VA, 2019). ISBN: 9781620367605. $29.95 (U.S.). 286 pages.

Category: Descriptive