Ossiannilsson, E., Altinay, Z., & Altinay, F. (2016). Transformation of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education towards Open Learning Arenas: A Question of Quality. In P. Blessinger & T. J. Bliss (Eds.), Open Education: International Perspectives in Higher Education (p. Chapter 8). Open Book Publishers.
There is increasing discussion and academic debate about changing and improving learning and teaching praxis as widespread and increased digitization continues to impact life of individuals and society, both locally and globally. Widening the access to higher education is high on the global agenda not just in the field of education but also from the perspective of employment opportunities, entrepreneurship and innovation in the labor market. An open education for all learners is key to maximize the impact of education on society and to ensure its success and sustainability. Opening up education requires a change in attitudes and mindset that emphasizes flexible growth instead of fixed traditions. Enhancing quality in open education requires a system-based approach in which contingency provides for the integration of digitization and technology in both management and leadership. An open education pedagogical approach, or a more self-directed approach is likewise essential to foster openness in both praxis and culture.
This chapter analyses the role of open educational practice and culture by discussing the opportunities and dilemmas encountered in this rapidly evolving age of technology-enabled learning, as well as the key issues that must be addressed in opening up education.
Themes: Access, Descriptive, OEP, Open Courseware/Open University