Law, P. (2016). The Identified Informal Learner: Recognizing Assessed Learning in the Open. In P. Blessinger & T. J. Bliss (Eds.), Open Education: International Perspectives in Higher Education (p. Chapter 7). Open Book Publishers.
Badged open courses (BOCs) were piloted on the OpenLearn platform by the Open University (OU) in the UK in 2013. These are free online course upon the completion of which, digital badges are awarded. Based on the evaluation of their impact, they now form a key strand to the OU’s free learning provision, embracing Open Educational Practices at their core. The first permanent suite of BOCs was launched on OpenLearn in 2015 and evaluated for impact, both from an outreach and a business perspective. The application of a branded open digital badge, with associated assessment and feedback has provided a mechanism to motivate and reward informal learners whilst also generating a higher than expected click-through to make an enquiry about becoming a formal student.
Themes: Course Tagging/Marking, Descriptive, OER, Open Courseware/Open University