OER Citations

Promoting Open Access and Open Educational Resources to Faculty


Crozier, H. (2018). Promoting Open Access and Open Educational Resources to Faculty. The Serials Librarian, 74(1–4), 145–150. https://doi.org/10.1080/0361526X.2018.1428470


Student debt is a complicated issue and many institutions of higher education are investigating solutions to ease the financial burdens of their students. Adopting Open Educational Resources (OER) in the classroom benefits students by reducing course costs and allows faculty more freedom in choosing instructional tools. Open Access publishing can also benefit faculty by increasing exposure to their work. To encourage the use of OER and Open Access publishing, the Electronic Resources Librarian and Educational Technology Manager at Ohio Northern University collaborated to conduct custom workshops for individual departments, leveraging library/faculty liaison relationships and the expertise of the department of Educational Technology.

Themes: Descriptive, Initiatives, OEP