Ostashewski, N., & Henderson, S. (2017). Creating OER materials - Perspectives of global instructors. In S. Mishra & J. Dron (Eds.), Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 644–648). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
This paper reports on the preliminary analysis of a replication and extension study describing the perspectives of instructors around the globe in relation to OER creation The goal of this research is to explore the perspectives of instructors on barriers, incentives, and benefits to using and creating OER materials The findings of the study suggest that time to create resources, challenges with understanding OER licensing and protection of resources, and heavy workloads are some of the greatest barriers to OERs In theory OERs can decrease the costs of course materials for students and institutions, however the hidden cost may in fact be offloaded onto the shoulders of already overworked teachers Further research focusing on differences between higher education and K12 education OERs may provide insight on how best to incentivize teachers to create OERs.
Themes: Empirical, Assessment and Evaluation, Initiatives, OER