An Accreditor's View of Assessment from the New England Commission of Higher Education
November 12, 2020
This discussion with Laura Gambino, vice president at the New England Commission of Higher Education, is the first in a series of brief video interviews with leaders of the seven regional accrediting bodies in US higher education. To get an accreditor’s view of assessment, we asked each leader what they have been hearing and thinking about during the pandemic related to two critical areas: the campus climate toward assessment at their member institutions and what expectations the accreditors have for useful evidence of student learning.
An Accreditor's View of Assessment with Laura Gambino
These interviews are part of the Next-Gen Assessment multimedia series coordinated by M. David Miller (University of Florida), Tammie Cumming (Brooklyn College, CUNY), Gladys Palma de Schrynemaker (CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies), and Terrel Rhodes (AAC&U).
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