2024 Institute on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment

Institute Structure

Redesigned to give participants the best of both virtual and in-person experiences, the 2024 Institute will kick off with a virtual event at the end of January 2024, and includes virtual webinars and “office hours” February and March 2024. The in-person component of the Institute will take place in tandem with the in-person sessions for the 2024 Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment in Providence, Rhode Island, April 10-13, 2024, with “institute only” programming beginning on April 10, carrying into the pre-conference timeslots on April 11. Individuals will then have the opportunity to take full advantage of the conference program, which always includes sessions from Institute faculty and alumni as well as others. There will be time to meet with IGEA faculty mentors, and opportunities to network with several funders who do indeed fund gen ed revisioning and undergraduate teaching, learning, and assessment projects. (It is the expectation that all team leads participate in the Institute offerings at iGEPA, but all team members are encouraged to attend the conference.) The Institute will continue to host virtual webinars and office hours in April and May, and then end with a virtual capstone and the presentation of final action plans the first week in June 2024. The Schedule-at-a-Glance provides an overview of the Institute’s timeline and structure.


  • Curicular Framework: Design Thinking
    Curicular Framework: Design Thinking
  • iGEPA's Approach to Design Thinking
    iGEPA's Approach to Design Thinking
  • iGEPA's Design Principles
    iGEPA's Design Principles
  • Dedicated Team Time: Moving from Planning to Campus Action
    Dedicated Team Time: Moving from Planning to Campus Action