Institute Goals

To advance the reimagination of general education, pedagogy, and assessment, campus teams will work to:

  • learn how to define broad, yet highly-engaging, essential learning outcomes for general education while navigating internal and external structural, cultural, and governance challenges;
  • develop evidence-based theory-to-practice models that connect research and scholarship with effective approaches to developing courses, curricula, and pedagogies that engage all students’ self-agency in high-impact learning experiences;
  • identify strategies and practices for successful implementation of curricular/cocurricular change that reflect intercultural awareness within and beyond the campus and attend to shifting student demographics, transfer challenges, and inclusive standards for student success;
  • utilize evidence-based diffusion of innovation and leadership strategies to increase the probability of successful implementing your reform initiative;
  • implement meaningful course-embedded assessment strategies that are authentic, produce useful data that can be widely communicated, and lead to cross-discipline and campus programmatic change; and
  • create a plan for action for team members to implement new general education reform and assessment strategies that align institutional goals of teaching and learning with considerations related to the “whole” student and long-term transformation.