2024-25 Institute on Open Educational Resources
Institute Goals
To advance the development and enactment of campus transformation action plans designed to accelerate open educational resources (OER) engagement and adoption, teams will work to
- articulate a clear, compelling, and communicable purpose for the OER work or initiative under development or expansion, including key goals, affordability aspirations, student learning gains, student success metrics, and intended benefits for faculty, students, and the institution;
- discern evidence-based theory-to-practice models and strategies that connect research and scholarship with effective approaches to developing, utilizing, and adopting OER;
- identify collaborators and form key partnerships with those who can broaden the argument for resources, support, and adoption of OER within your campus context;
- utilize evidence-based innovation and leadership strategies to increase the probability of successful scaling of your OER initiative; and
- create a comprehensive OER action plan for team members and campuses to implement with measurable benchmarks for charting success.

For additional information on the Institute on Open Educational Resources, please contact C. Edward Watson at [email protected].