
Unifying College and University Campuses

This free webinar was sponsored by The New Pluralists and the Moral Courage Project.

February 29, 2024

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Too often, leaders confuse unity with uniformity. But uniformity undermines unity because different people have different viewpoints, even if they belong to the same groups! That's why honoring different perspectives is key to bringing people together.

Easier said than done? The Moral Courage Project provides an evidence-based strategy and toolkit to engage constructively across divides. Its unique program for higher education institutions fosters the skills for healthy conversation and, crucially, the year-round mentorship to turn those skills into effortless habits.

Participants of this free webinar learned how the Moral Courage Method equips any of us to stand our ground while creating common ground—a paradox that advances pluralism.

Sponsored by The New Pluralists and the Moral Courage Project


  • Irshad Manji

    Irshad Manji

    CEO and Founder, Moral Courage College
  • Waded Cruzado

    Waded Cruzado

    President, Montana State University


  • Kathryn Enke

    Kathryn Enke

    Senior Advisor for Leadership, Strategy, and Governance, AAC&U