
Digital Equity and the Opportunities for Higher Education

A discussion about strategies your institution can take to address the inequity, explore the Digital Equity Act, and more.

October 25, 2022

While existing well before March 2020, the pandemic highlighted the scope of digital inequity that often complicates and limits many students’ abilities to fully participate in all aspects of their education. In response to this and the broader array of digital inequities impacting citizens, the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act included historical funding for broadband as well as $2.75 billion to specifically address digital equity (Digital Equity Act). This webinar first presented data regarding the scope of broadband inequities in the United States. It then turned to examine the opportunities presented by the Digital Equity Act, including ways in which higher education institutions can position themselves to better serve their students and their communities. We then looked at digital equity initiatives in higher education where institutions are already making a difference. We also considered digital practices our faculty and campuses can employ to ensure equitable outcomes for our students. Those viewing this webinar will leave with clarity regarding the opportunities presented by the Digital Equity Act as well as concrete ideas and strategies institutions and faculty can employ in service to digital equity and their students.

Related Resources


  • C. Edward Watson

    C. Edward Watson

    Vice President for Digital Innovation


  • Angela Thi Bennett

    Angela Thi Bennett

    Digital Equity Director, National Telecommunications and Information Administration
  • Ben Avie

    Jochai Ben-Avie

    Co-Founder & Chief Executive, Connect Humanity
  • Zoe Corwin

    Zoë Corwin

    Research Professor & Director, Digital Equity in Education, Pullias Center of Higher Education, University of Southern California
  • Karen Mossberger

    Karen Mossberger

    Frank and June Sackton Professor & Director, Center for Technology, Data and Society, Arizona State University