
This Week on The Academic Minute (2024.04.22)

This Week on The Academic Minute 2024.04.22


Cailyn Green, assistant professor of addiction studies in the school of human services at SUNY Empire, discusses best practices to treating substance use and eating disorders.


Mandy O’Neill, associate professor of management at George Mason University, looks into how to change the culture of anxiety at your workplace.


Kishore Gawande, Fred H. Moore Centennial professor of international management at the University of Texas at Austin, says property rights retreat is dragging down the economy of China.


Paula Rochon, professor in the department of medicine and Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, explains why you may be taking too many medications.


Abby Chandler, associate professor of history at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, considers the views of two British colonists in 1700s America.


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