
This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.01.17)

This Week on The Academic Minute 2022.01.17

Monday, January 17th

Kevin Ketels, assistant professor of teaching in global supply chain management at Wayne State University, delves into the reasons behind the empty shelves we’re all seeing in stores.

Tuesday, January 18th

Karla Loya, assistant professor of educational leadership in higher education at the University of Hartford, explores how to make sure student gets left behind during the pandemic.

Wednesday, January 19th

Anna Amirkhanyan, professor of public administration and policy at American University, digs down to find out if we are biased against our government.

Thursday, January 20th

Kenneth Luck, assistant professor of media arts at SUNY Sullivan, explains why conspiracy theories are not just on the fringes of society anymore.

Friday, January 21st

Falk Huettmann, professor of wildlife ecology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, explores one area of the world to see what we can learn about climate change.



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