OER Citations

UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition Consultations


UNESCO. (2020). UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition Consultations (pp. 1–39). UNESCO. https://www.oerafrica.org/resource/unesco-oer-dynamic-coalition-consultations-final-report


Following the adoption of the OER Recommendation in November 2019, UNESCO launched the OER Dynamic Coalition in March 2020. The launch meeting defined a Roadmap for the activities of the Dynamic Coalition. The Coalition aims to reinforce international and regional cooperation among all stakeholders in the first four areas of the UNESCO OER Recommendation and support governments in implementing the OER Recommendation. Building on the activities to date, the online consultation for the OER Dynamic Coalition Working Groups was held on 22, 23 and 24 July 2020 on Zoom. This meeting was organized by the Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO in the framework of the OER Dynamic Coalition. This online consultation brought together some 70 stakeholders from governments, institutions, Inter‐governmental Organizations, Non‐government Organizations and the private sector from all UNESCO world regions (Annex 4: Overview of Participants). This consultation followed up on an online survey by UNESCO held between 10 and 20 July 2020. The survey collected information on priority areas of action which served as the basis for the discussions held during the consultation.

Themes: Descriptive, OER, Policy