Spilovoy, T., Seaman, J., & Ralph, N. (2020). The impact of OER Initiatives on faculty selection of classroom materials (p. 38). Bay View Analytics.
The adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) is on the rise, driven in part by increasing awareness of OER. But while faculty and institutions have shown increasing awareness and acceptance of OER, many remain unfamiliar with what they are, or how to utilize them.
- Faculty who are aware of one or more OER initiatives are much more likely to be adopters of OER. This holds true for both faculty teaching introductory-level courses and the general population of faculty.
- When implemented at the institutional level, OER initiatives result in a measurable rise in the number of faculty who are aware of OER.
- Faculty who are aware of OER are much more likely to adopt OER as required course materials; those who have yet to adopt OER are much more likely to do so in the future.
- The impact of awareness of OER initiatives on adoption remains consistent across types of institutions (two- and four-year), the level of course being taught, and across regional compacts in the U.S.
Themes: Empirical, Outcomes, Faculty Outcomes, OER