OER Citations

Project Change Dissertation Introduction of Video-Based Open Education Resources (OER) in a Third Level Educational Institution


Hashim, S. (2014). Project Change Dissertation Introduction of Video-Based Open Education Resources (OER) in a Third Level Educational Institution [Thesis, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland]. https://doi.org/10.25419/rcsi.10812269.v1


A fundamental characteristic for an individual to actively participate in a society is to be literate (Martin, 2008). Consequently, digital literacy is an essential quality in our era. The European Commission (2013b) reported that by 2030 90% of jobs will require digital skills. In September 2013 the European Commission announced the launch of ‘Open Up Education’ initiative (European Commission, 2013b) to improve the digital literacy in Europe through Open Educational Resources (OER). The overall aim of this change project was to introduce video-based educational resources in not-for-profit, third level educational institution. Literature review was conducted to identify the benefits and challenges of OER and the methods and mediums of delivering OER. Senior and Swailes’ change model was used as framework for the change. Different environmental tools were used to diagnose the situation and change champions were approached to do a pilot video to gain commitments for the vision. Gantt chart was used when developing an action plan to implement the change. Mixed methods approaches of qualitative and quantitative analysis were used to assess and evaluate the change by using Jacob’s change model. Overall the change agent is confident that the overall aim and objectives for the project has been achieved successfully with the biggest organisational impact is the fact that the college now has official contribution to the international OER movement.

Themes: Empirical, Outcomes, Initiatives, OER