OER Citations

Open University Staff and Students" Attitude towards Uses, Development and Barrier to Open Educational Resources (OER


Ibrahim, A. K. (2018). Open University Staff and Students" Attitude towards Uses, Development and Barrier to Open Educational Resources (OER. Journal of Educational Foundations and Development, 8, 69–81. https://www.academia.edu/44477761/Open_University_Staff_and_Students_Attitude_towards_Uses_Development_and_Barrier_to_Open_Educational_Resources_OER


The continuous search for cost effective and almost low or no price fees course materials by staff and students to better their learning and research activities has been an issue for sometimes now. Therefore, Ex-post facto descriptive survey was used to study attitudes towards uses, development and barrier to open educational resources. The sample consisted of 384 samples 37 Study Centres of an Open University in Nigeria. Staff and Student Attitudes, Uses, Development and Barrier towards Open Educational Resources (SSAUDBOER) scale was used for data collection. The scale was validated with content and face validity, principal components analysis with varimax rotation while its reliability was established with the use of item analysis. Cronbach Coefficient Alpha value of 0.69 and 0.73 were obtained. t–test statistic (for independent samples) at P≤ 0.05 was used to analyse the collected data. The results revealed no significant difference in attitudes of the samples toward uses of OERs with staff mean scores of 46.74 and mean score of student was 44.42. The two mean scores generated a calculated „t‟ value of 0.632 (0.632<1.960); a significant difference in skills for OERs development between staff and students, staff had a mean score of 67.72 and students with mean of score of 46.53. The two mean scores generated a calculated „t‟ value of 24.62 (24.62>1.960); and significant difference on barriers towards uses and development of OER between staff and students, staff had mean score of 67.72 and students with mean score of 44.87. The two mean scores generated a calculated „t‟ value of 37.95 (37.95>1.960). Among the study recommendations is that skills for converting valuable teaching-learning and research resources by the samples; Open University of Nigeria, Commonwealth of Learning and UNESCO needs to adapt strategies by strengthening synergy on regular skill trainings and re-training for students and staff, and particularly for students toward promoting and developing OER.

Themes: Empirical, Affective, Faculty/Admin Perceptions, OER, Student Perceptions