OER Citations

Open source textbook report: August 9th, 2016


University of Connecticut. (2016). Open source textbook report: August 9th, 2016 (pp. 1–9). Connecticut State Colleges & Universities, University of Connecticut. https://www.cga.ct.gov/hed/tfs/20150723_Task%20Force%20to%20Study%20Best%20Practices%20with%20Regard%20to%20Open%20Educational%20Resources/20160715/SA15-18UConnCSCU-%20Pilot%20Report.pdf


This report covers the state of Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources from a national and state perspective, and describes the actions taken to date to raise the awareness of the appointed legislative task force, the faculty and key staff at institutions of higher education in Connecticut, and steps taken to analyze potential cost savings and identify barriers to adoption.

Themes: Descriptive, Initiatives, OER