McGreal, R. (2020). Open Educational Resources in Canada 2020. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La Revue Canadienne de l’apprentissage et de La Technologie, 46(1).
COVID 19 has had a wide impact on education internationally and specifically in Canada, with nearly all institutions now transitioning to online education, with many learning for the first time about Open Educational Resources (OER). Understanding what is happening with OER in the different regions of our country is one step in creating awareness and promoting national networks for sharing resources, serving to address local educational needs. Educators can assemble, adopt, adapt, design, and develop OER-based courses that can cost-effectively address the needs of Canadian students. This paper describes OER-related initiatives and implementations across Canada that can serve as examples to educators and administrators, who because of COVID 19, are offering online courses for the first time.
Themes: Descriptive, Initiatives, OER