Bliss, T., Tonks, D., & Patrick, S. (2013). Open Educational Resources and collaborative content development: A practical guide for state and school leaders (p. 18). International Association for K-12 Online Learning.
Open Educational Resources and Collaborative Content Development: A Practical Guide for State and School Leaders – written by TJ Bliss, Ph.D. of the Idaho State Department of Education, DeLaina Tonks of the Mountain Heights Academy in Utah, and iNACOL President and CEO Susan Patrick – provides educational leaders with a guide describing the benefits of OER, a framework for planning, and strategies for successful collaborative content development.
Open educational resources (OER) include items such as courses, course modules and materials, e-textbooks, professional development, rubrics, assessments, tests, software, and any other tools, or techniques used to transmit knowledge that have an impact on teaching and learning that are openly licensed to permit educators sharing, accessing and collaborating. Open educational resources also include born-public-domain works, such as those produced by the public sector, federal and state governments.
Themes: Descriptive, Guide, OER, Policy