Shu-Hsiang, C., Jaitip, N., & Ana, D. J. (2015). From Vision to Action – A Strategic Planning Process Model for Open Educational Resources. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 3707–3714.
Strategic visionary and planning processes are a way to systematically plan the development of open education resources and practices for the future. Strategic planning processes are considered to be a powerful tool and guideline for helping all levels of higher educational institutions (HEIs) develops their strategic plan, and to find their competitive advantage and place within their environment. From vision to action, the research objective of this study is to develop a strategic planning process (SPP) model based on the concept of open educational resources (OER), university social responsibility (USR), social entrepreneurship (SE), and strategic planning (SP). The proposed SPP model will serve as a guide for mapping out a strategic plan and activities for aligning and implementing OER, which can tie strategic planning to a university's effectiveness and success in sustainability for the long term. The SPP model can also help HEIs to guide their vision, mission, values, goals, and strategies to foster OER development and practices.
Themes: Empirical, Outcomes, Initiatives, OER