Tereseviciene, M., Trepule, E., Dauksiene, E., Tamoliune, G., & Costa, N. (2020). Are Universities Ready to Recognize Open Online Learning? International Education Studies, 13(2), 21.
Fast development of technologies, changing needs of digital learners and other aspects of the digital era have had a major impact on universities and their learning management procedures. Access to information online, possibilities of open online learning and need to manage one’s time lead to the changed profile of today’s students and their need to recognize their prior knowledge or skills. This brings a challenge for universities to adapt their procedures of prior learning recognition. This research aims at identifying requirements for universities to recognize open online learning (OOL), focusing on the qualitative analysis of insights and experiences of experts who are knowledgeable and experienced in the field of OOL. Although OOL recognition procedures tend to be similar as in the recognition of other types of learning, the universities face external challenges, coming from labour market, as well as reserved, if not negative, attitudes towards openness and lack of trust in OOL by traditional universities, thus distinguishing the OOL recognition process as being far from accepted practices. The research findings highlight several prospective requirements for universities set to recognize OOL.
Themes: Descriptive, OER, Open Courseware/Open University