SHE LEADS Resources

"SHE LEADS: Managing & Navigating Change in Higher Education" was an online event that took place on May 30, 2023. The event was not recorded.


Below is a list of valuable resources for those interested in developing strategies for navigating change, identifying a network for support during change leadership processes, and more.

About the Event

Change in higher education can take many forms, as can the ways campus leaders approach it. Focused on how individuals who identify as women show up as leaders, this webinar explored some of these forms and approaches.

The presenters were seasoned leaders from varied higher education contexts who have navigated transition and transformation successfully—facilitating changes to roles and responsibilities amid disruption, leading in interim roles and during significant changes in institutional leadership. In addition to identifying types of transformation, including rethinking instructional modalities and how people work, the presenters addressed communication, trust, and well-being.

This interactive event helped participants:

  • recognize and celebrate your own experiences with transition and transformation, identifying the strengths revealed and developed through those experiences;
  • develop strategies for navigating current and future transformation by gaining clarity on the questions that senior leaders ask;
  • identify a network and personal “board of directors” to support you during change leadership processes and explore how to utilize these resources.


  • Jessica Harris

    Jessica Harris

    Vice Chancellor for Anti-racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • Elizabeth Perry Sizemore

    Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore

    Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Randolph College
  • Rosalie Richards

    Rosalie A. Richards

    Associate Provost for Faculty Development, Stetson University
  • Tynisha Willingham

    Tynisha D. Willingham

    Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Eastern Mennonite University


  • Kathryn Enke

    Kathryn Enke

    Senior Advisor for Leadership, Strategy, and Governance
  • Emma Jones

    Emma Jones

    Executive Vice President/Owner, Credo