2021 Massachusetts PKAL Network Spring Meeting

Back to Normal? STEM Education and High-Impact Practices Moving Forward

A Virtual Meeting hosted by Westfield State University

June 3, 2021

Virtual Conference
577 Western Ave
Westfield, MA 01086


Please join the Massachusetts PKAL Regional Network for a virtual Spring Meeting focused on getting back to “normal” in the Fall 2021 semester. COVID19 disrupted STEM teaching and learning for over a year, with a disproportionate impact on low-income students, first generation students, and nonwhite students. What lessons have we learned about the support students need, and the ways in which we teach, that we should carry forward?

The meeting will open with a panel of faculty sharing their successes in pedagogy and high-impact practices during the pandemic. The program will consist of workshops, talks, and presentations where presenters can share how remote learning has changed their approach to STEM education, ways to provide students with high-impact practices in a remote environment, and tips for moving forward after a tumultuous time in higher education.

Event Registration
Click HERE to register. The general registration fee is $35 per person. Registration closes on June 1, 2021.

Schedule at a Glance

8:45 – 9:00 am

Opening and Welcome

9:00 – 10:00 am

Panel Discussion: Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

10:00 – 10:30 am


10:30 – 11:30 am

Concurrent Sessions

Session A Workshop

Session B Oral Presentations: Development for Equity

Session C Oral Presentations: Active Learning in New Ways

Session D Oral Presentations: Transitioning High Impact Practices

11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Lunch Break

12:30 – 1:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions

Session A Workshop

Session B: Poster Session Q&A

Session C Oral Presentations: Grading and Feedback

Session D Oral Presentations: Techniques, Tools, and Tricks

1:30 – 2:00 pm


2:00 – 3:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions

Session A Workshop

Session B Workshop

Session C Oral Presentations: Biology in New Ways

Session D Oral Presentations: New Lab Practices

About Westfield State University:

In 1839, Horace Mann founded Westfield State University as the first public higher education institution without barrier to race, gender or economic class. Westfield State fosters intellectual curiosity, encourages critical thinking, inspires civic engagement, and promotes a global perspective. A public teaching institution committed to offering quality programs in the liberal arts and sciences with complementing professional studies curricula, they are grounded their founding principles of academic excellence and educating all in a diverse and welcoming community.

Questions? Please contact Robin White at [email protected]