2025 HBCU-UP Principal Investigators' Meeting
Knowledge and Leadership as Leverage for Opportunities in STEM (KALLOS)
Lansdowne Resort and Conference Center
Leesburg, Virginia
The 2025 HBCU-UP Principal Investigators' Meeting is a collaboration between the NSF HBCU-UP Program Office and its recently funded Knowledge Management Resource Center (KMRC). Our aim is to not only capture and foster the broadening participation prowess of HBCU researchers, leaders, and practitioners but also to translate their knowledge and wisdom across the boundaries of other undergraduate STEM reform communities in American higher education.
Knowledge and Leadership as Leverage for Opportunities in STEM. KALLOS – meaning beauty or that which is good and noble – is at the heart of this PI meeting. Here, we will honor the richness of the HBCU broadening participation legacy and create a contemporary, distraction-free, culturally relevant, intellectual space.
At this Meeting, attendees will:
- Share experiences, findings, accomplishments, and challenges with an audience ready to offer insights, wisdom, and encouragement
- Connect with PIs doing broadening participation work
- Reflect on, re-center, and re-align their work with their life’s purpose through expert-guided mindfulness meditations and practice
- Hear from and meet with NSF program officers
- Gain access to leading higher education scholars, facilitators, and researchers who can inform the next phases of their broadening participation work
- Build and customize a webpage for their NSF project on the STEM Inclusionary
- Welcome future HBCU-UP PIs into the community
- And more!
Important Dates
January 22
Call for Proposals Deadline
February 10
Proposal Notifications
February 18
Registration Deadline
March 7
Hotel Reservation Deadline
Get a glimpse at the times, events, and activities that will take place during the 2025 HBCU-UP PI Meeting!