
Making the Case for Open Educational Resources

Evidence-based Tools to Elevate Your Advocacy Efforts

August 30, 2023

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This webinar launched a new AAC&U publication, Making the Case for Open Educational Resources. Open educational resources (OER) are openly licensed, no-cost educational materials, such as free online textbooks, that have been shown to have a variety of benefits for students and their learning. As the title suggests, Making the Case for Open Educational Resources is designed to assist OER advocates in their work to craft persuasive presentations, publications, and arguments as they promote OER. While resulting from an exhaustive review of the literature, this publication and webinar were not intended to present a comprehensive summary of all the research regarding OER and open practices. Their purpose was to highlight key studies, utilizing attractive and easy-to-comprehend graphics that OER advocates can leverage to inform and underpin their advocacy efforts in various contexts and to various audiences. The webinar, publication, and associated infographic downloads aimed to help campus advocates and leaders more easily make an evidence-based case for OER.

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  • C. Edward Watson

    C. Edward Watson

    Vice President for Digital Innovation
  • Rachel Rush Marlowe

    Rachel Rush-Marlowe

    Founder and Executive Director, ResearchEd