Golter, P., Brown, G., & Van Wie, B. (2016). Preliminary Validation of a Critical Thinking Rubric for Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations & Research, 17(4), 19–28. ehh.
The preliminary steps toward verifying that a critical thinking rubric has meaning and utility within and outside of classroom use have been undertaken. Analyses offer evidence that the rubric may be used to measure the development of critical thinking in the context of chemical engineering design projects from inception of a problem statement to the final project reports. It has been shown to be an especially effective tool for faculty, who take time to develop high interrater reliability, and for student use in rating each other's projects. In addition, through solicitation of ratings from industry representatives, there are indications that the constructs measured by the rubric have value in a broader, non-academic setting [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]