VALUE Research Hub

Assessing Student Learning in Undergraduate Research


Overby, L., & Meiman, M. (2013, December 5). Assessing Student Learning in Undergraduate Research. University of Delaware A Connect to Learning Campus EPortfolio.


The University of Delaware (UD) is committed to assessing student learning outcomes and the Undergraduate Research Program (URP), a 10-week summer program, engages students from every major in research projects. At the time of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the 2010 Teaching Learning Assessment (TLA) ePortfolio grant pilot, the University was also writing the Middle States self-study and wanted further documentation in regards to the level of General Education (Gen Ed) competencies demonstrated by students engaged in high impact practices such as undergraduate research. The Undergraduate Research TLA ePortfolio pilot was supported with the intent to assess General Education learning outcomes. As the program gets ready to implement the TLA ePortfolio for the third time, the achievement of student learning outcomes has improved in the areas of oral and written communication. This practice is an exceptional example of using reflection to not only enhance student learning outcomes, but also inform program administrators of ways to enhance the quality of their program delivery.