Fosmire, M., Purzer, S., Wertz, R. E. H., & Epps, A. S. V. (2013). Assessing lifelong learning: The role of information gathering and application skills. 2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 21–23.
This special session will explore different approaches to measuring and promoting lifelong learning skills in support of fulfilling ABET student outcome criterion 3.i. “The recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning”[1] is mult-faceted and challenging to both define and measure and is comprised of a mixture of skills, abilities, and habits, and attitudes. This session focuses on those aspects of lifelong learning associated with self-directed learning, and in particular the information gathering and application skills required for effective independent learning. As a result of this session, we will develop some shared understandings of these skills, our ability to measure them, and an agenda for future research on measuring and supporting activities related to student outcome criteria 3.i.