Board Member

Pam Eddinger
President, Bunker Hill Community College
Pam Eddinger is President of Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC), the largest of 15 community colleges in Massachusetts. Eddinger began her tenure at BHCC in 2013, and previously served as President of Moorpark College in Southern California. Her service to community colleges spans more than 25 years, with senior posts in academics and student affairs, communications and policy, and executive leadership. Eddinger serves on multiple boards and commissions, including the New England Commission of Higher Education, WGBH Boston, the Boston Foundation, the Massachusetts Workforce Development Board, and Boston Private Industry Council. Eddinger was honored in 2016 by the Obama White House as a Champion of Change. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Barnard College in New York City and her masters and doctorate in Japanese literature from Columbia University.