Institute Faculty
James Glapa-Grossklag
Dean of Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning, College of the Canyons
James Glapa-Grossklag is Dean of Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning at College of the Canyons. He is Technical Assistance Provider for the California Community College ZTC grant program. He co-leads, with Una Daly of CCCOER, the Open for Antiracism Program. He is past president of CCCOER and Open Education Global and was Global Ambassador for OER for the International Council for Open and Distance Education. In 2019, he received the President's Award from OE Global for “advancing open education around the world through exceptional dedication, outstanding contribution, and exemplary service.” He earned tenure as a faculty member in history and has taught online since 2000.
Areas of expertise: accessibility; funding models and grants management; OER adoption strategies; OER advocacy; ZTC pathways