OER Citations

The increased complexity of Higher Education collaboration in times of Open Education


Nascimbeni, F. (2014). The increased complexity of Higher Education collaboration in times of Open Education. Campus Virtuales, 3(1), 102–108. http://www.uajournals.com/campusvirtuales/journal/4/8.pdf


The Open Society movement, which goes back to noble fathers such as Bergson and Popper, and which is today declined alongissues such as Open Government, Open Innovation, Open Data, Open Access and Open Source, is having a strong impact on theworld of Higher Education. It is undeniable that universities around the globe are under an increased “complexity pressure”, dueto growing international competition, globalisation of education and budget cuts, but also to the ICT revolution that is re-shapingteaching, learning and all other aspects of university life. In this context, Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenEducational Practices (OEP) are increasingly being considered as an option both to face the increasing students population in timesof budget cuts and to increase the accessibility and equality of higher education. The paper will look at some dimensions of thisincreased complexity, focussing on emerging technologies and on emerging practices of students and staff mobility enhanced byICT. We believe that ICT and Open Education are not only making more efficient and more accessible teaching and learning inuniversities, but are somehow starting to change the fundamentals of academic contexts, and we claim that to take stock of thispotential it is important to be able to understand and managed the increased system complexity of contemporary and future HigherEducation.

Themes: Descriptive, OER