OER Citations

(Open) Educational Resources around the World


Marín, V. I., Peters, L. N., & Zawacki-Richter, O. (Eds.). (2022). (Open) Educational Resources around the World. EdTech Books. https://edtechbooks.org/oer_around_the_world


This book is a collection of the full country reports and working papers created by the COER members from the countries that were included in the study within of the research project EduArc on distributed learning infrastructures for OER and digital learning content in higher education. The issues that were explored relate to questions about national policies and frameworks for the design of a cross-university (national) infrastructure for the dissemination of OER (macro-level), issues related to the provision of OER in higher education institutions, e.g. technical and support infrastructure, professional development, and quality assurance (meso level), and questions about the creation and use of OER in higher education teaching and learning, and their sharing between faculty members (micro-level). Cross-comparative analysis of the country studies are also published in a series of journal articles: Open Praxis (macro-level), Open Education Studies (meso-level), and Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (micro-level) - see Marín et al. (2020), Marín et al. (2022a), and Marín et al. (2022b).

Themes: Edited Book, OER