Farrow, R. (2014). OER Impact Map Development Brief. OER Research Hub.
The OERRH Evidence Hub Briefing describes the concept of an evidence hub for open education and reviews the successes and failures of the OLnet Evidence Hub. The OLnet Evidence Hub was intended to provide a software structure which could support sense-making discourses around OER. OER advocates remain in need of a tool which will enable them to present a convincing evidence case for policy change. The concept of the Evidence Hub has been popular with the funders, who have identified a need for a place where information about OER impact can be retained and recalled but which also provides a ‘sensemaking’ service which contextualises and compares data across cohorts and in relation to international context.
A rationale for a new, improved Evidence Hub is provided along with a number of design considerations and a proposal for future development. This document is intended to frame the collaborative development of a proposal and technical framework for a new Evidence Hub, or ‘OER Impact Map’. The final site can be found at This document shows how the design was developed iteratively.
Themes: Descriptive, OER