OER Citations

OER impact: Collaboration, evidence, synthesis


Farrow, R. (2014). OER impact: Collaboration, evidence, synthesis. OCWC Global 2014: Open Education for a Multicultural World, Slovenia. http://conference.ocwconsortium.org/2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Paper_51-OER-Impact.pdf


The OER Research Hub (OERRH) project works collaboratively with open education initiatives around the world to examine the impact of open educational resources. In this paper I will outline methods for organizing and disseminating open research into OER. In particular, I focus on the value of curation when combined with strategies for the visual presentation of evidence (especially mapping). The discussion is framed by a presentation of the OER Impact Map, an asset of OERRH.

Themes: Descriptive, OER