OER Citations

Impediments to Learning Object Reuse and Openness as a Potential Solution


Wiley, D. (2009). Impediments to Learning Object Reuse and Openness as a Potential Solution. Revista Brasileira de Informática Na Educação, 17(3), 08–10. https://doi.org/10.5753/RBIE.2009.17.03.08


The restrictions of copyright law and its accompany-ing penalties are ambient factors in our everyday lives. "Everyone knows" you’re not allowed to make a copy of a textbook, article, or simulation without permission. The technically daunting and time-consuming process of requesting permission, and the inevitable fees associated with that permission if granted, prevent law-abiding individuals and organizations from reusing most of the learning objects they find on the Internet or in repositories.

Themes: Copyright/Licensing, Descriptive, OER